Testing and aviation policy changes required to salvage Shannon and Cork operations

Reacting to the news that Ryanair is to close its bases in Cork and Shannon for the winter, Independent TD Michael McNamara has said the Government needs to introduce a system of rapid testing at airports in the short term and must also develop a new State aviation policy to ensure international transit carriers do not fly exclusively into Dublin.

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Clare FM – Testing and aviation policy changes required to salvage Shannon and Cork operations

In response to the news that Ryanair is to close its bases in Cork Airport and Shannon Airport for the winter, I am requesting Government to introduce a system of rapid testing at airports in the short term and also develop a new State aviation policy to ensure international transit carriers do not fly exclusively into Dublin Airport.

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Regional COVID-19 restrictions

There is finally a growing acceptance in Government that a regional approach to COVID restrictions is now required, as I called for again today. Restrictions that affect sporting and family events, as well as small rural pubs must be proportionate to the risk posed. The risk of contracting COVID-19 in Clare, and much of rural Ireland, is clearly lower than it is in Dublin as borne out by the statistics and by science.

Re-opening of pubs

I today asked Taoiseach Michael Martin when Government intends providing guidance to pub/nightclub workers and owners around the proposed reopening date of July 20th. I was informed that a decision will be issued following a Cabinet meeting at 5.30pm tomorrow (Wednesday).

Operating safely through COVID-19

Commenting during this morning’s COVID-19 Dáil Committee session, which I chaired, Prof Paddy Mallon (Infection Disease Physician at St Vincent’s, Professor of Microbial Diseases at UCD) said, “We got away by the skin of our teeth.” He said, “There needs to be a recognition moving forward that we can’t operate safely with current staffing levels in the health services.”

Special Criminal Court

We need to have a meaningful discussion about the Special Criminal Court and the need for safeguards around the non-jury trial process, not just another rubber stamping by the Oireachtas. I discussed the issue with Jennifer Carroll MacNeill TD and Sarah McInerney on RTÉ’s Today programme.