Michael McNamara discussing Meat Plants on RTÉ
I spoke to Claire Byrne on RTÉ today about the latest revelations on how meat plants treat their workers, which will come as no surprise to farmers given the treatment they receive.
I spoke to Claire Byrne on RTÉ today about the latest revelations on how meat plants treat their workers, which will come as no surprise to farmers given the treatment they receive.
A proportionate response to all risks is essential. No evidence to support the singling out of pubs over, for example, meat plants in the State’s response.
Tonight on RTÉ Primetime, I pointed out that the numbers in hospital with COVID-19 are thankfully, nowhere near those that prompted the lockdown in March.
The Finsa site in Scariff, Co. Clare, is being utilised by the HSE as a PPE storage facilty, one of two such large-scale storage facilities in the country. I spoke about this on Clare FM and also questioned the HSE’s Paul Reid on the procurement and storage of PPE during yesterday’s COVID-19 Committee meeting.
I questioned Health Minister Stephen Donnelly about the medical basis for threatening another lockdown and whether he foresees its consequences.
At the COVID-19 Committee today, I questioned Dr. Ronan Glynn (Acting Chief Medical Officer) on meat plant and restaurant inspections, the impact of Covid-19 on mental health and the implications of an economic slowdown on our health service.
I questioned the HSE today on the reasons for the low number of confirmed COVID cases in hospitals despite rising cases nationally. I also asked the HSE to outline its plans to ease overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick by expanding services at Tier 2 Hospitals such as Ennis, St Johns and Nenagh.
I spoke to Sarah McInerney on RTÉ today about the newly introduced COVID-19 measures. I will be requesting Minister for Health and Acting Chief Medical Officer to appear before the COVID Committee next week to further explain the new measures.
I spoke to Brian Dobson on Morning Ireland about today’s COVID-19 Committee meetings in relation to the meat industry and ongoing impact of COVID-19 restrictions on communities across Ireland.
Some interesting points made, and serious questions raised about the direction being taken in dealing with the virus at the COVID-19 Committee today.
Meat Industry Ireland and the Health and Safety Authority appeared before the COVID-19 Committee today.
The COVID-19 Committee’s recommendation for a 24-hour turnaround for Covid-19 tests is nowhere near being meet by the HSE. Ireland cannot control the spread of this virus if our system of testing is insufficient.
surrounds are now proceeding, having raised it with the previous Taoiseach as well as the previous Minister responsible for Irish Water, Eoghan Murphy TD and, on Sunday, with current Taoiseach’s officials and Minister, Darragh O’Brien TD, leading to him bringing forward the works yesterday.
The current Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence. I discussed the matter with Pat Flynn on Clare FM.
The current Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence. I discussed the matter with Pat Flynn on Clare FM.
On RTÉ This Week’s Programme, I called on Government to urgently outline its response to the news that Aer Lingus is considering compulsory redundancies as well as closing its base at Shannon Airport.
On RTÉ This Week’s Programme, I called on Government to urgently outline its response to the news that Aer Lingus is considering compulsory redundancies as well as closing its base at Shannon Airport.