McNamara seeks clarity over 180 at risk jobs in Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd

Clarification is needed on the future of all existing full-time jobs at Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd. as well as the retention of the two aviation hangars used by the Clare-based operation.

Following today’s announcement by Atlantic Aviation Group (AAG) that it has acquired Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd securing 300 highly skilled full-time workers in Shannon, there is concern for up to 180 jobs at the Clare-based operation.

The announcement is undoubtedly very positive news for AAG but the full impact of the acquisition on all 480 full-time employees and future operations at Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd. has yet to be outlined. I will be seeking more clarity on the issue from representatives of AAG and Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd. when I attend a briefing hosted by the companies tomorrow morning.

The employees of Lufthansa Technik Shannon Ltd. have played a key role in ensuring the future of the operation through their engagement with management and SIPTU over the past year. This included staff staggering work shifts with staff taking paid leave by availing of days built up over the years. While the majority of contract staff were released in the last year, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic, management at the company has continued to engage with worker’s representatives from SIPTU. Following on from today’s announcement, it is important now that clarity is provided on all full-time positions at the company.

Photo c/o Pat Flynn of The Clare Herald

New Chair of Shannon Group plc to be announced shortly

Clare Independent TD Michael McNamara says the appointment of a new Chair of Shannon Group plc has reached its final stages.

In response to Deputy McNamara’s Parliamentary Question on the role, which has remained unfilled since August 2020, Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan confirmed that he and Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton met with the candidates shortlisted via the Public Appointments Service (PAS) process last week.

“In line with normal arrangements for the appointment of Chairs to State Boards, the Chair designate will be required to appear before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications before being formally appointed as Chair of Shannon Group,” added Minister Ryan.

Deputy McNamara has urged the Department to “proceed without delay” due to the significance of the role.

“It is critically important that the successful candidate be someone with the experience to provide strategic direction to Shannon Group plc’s aviation and property businesses, as well as the proposed transfer of Clare-based Shannon Heritage tourism assets to Clare County Council,” added Deputy McNamara.

NPHET and Rapid Antigen Testing

NPHET’s confirmation that it hasn’t even discussed the Government-commissioned Report of the Covid Rapid Testing Group and its reluctance to accept the EU Commission’s common list of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests demonstrate an intent to maintain Ireland’s outlier position on international travel and antigen testing compared to other EU states.

McNamara critical of Government’s Mandatory Hotel Quarantine strategy

Clare Independent T.D. Michael McNamara has criticised the Government’s Mandatory Hotel Quarantine strategy, which he described as “a half-baked exercise in optics” and a “flawed measure” in the context of an unchecked border with Northern Ireland and when the majority of persons arriving in the state whether by air, sea or over land are not tested for variants of Covid-19.

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Testing and aviation policy changes required to salvage Shannon and Cork operations

Reacting to the news that Ryanair is to close its bases in Cork and Shannon for the winter, Independent TD Michael McNamara has said the Government needs to introduce a system of rapid testing at airports in the short term and must also develop a new State aviation policy to ensure international transit carriers do not fly exclusively into Dublin.

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Clare FM – Testing and aviation policy changes required to salvage Shannon and Cork operations

In response to the news that Ryanair is to close its bases in Cork Airport and Shannon Airport for the winter, I am requesting Government to introduce a system of rapid testing at airports in the short term and also develop a new State aviation policy to ensure international transit carriers do not fly exclusively into Dublin Airport.

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