State’s response to COVID-19
I spoke in the Dáil debate on the final report of the Special Committee on COVID-19 Response.
RTÉ – Potential for further COVID restrictions
I spoke to Claire Byrne on RTÉ today about the potential introduction of further restrictions in Ireland.
Final report of the COVID Committee – RTÉ interview
I spoke to RTÉ about the publication of the final report of the Special Committee on Covid-19 Response.
BBC Radio Ulster – Reaction to Level 3 restrictions
I gave my reaction to the Government’s announcement of Level 3 restrictions to BBC Radio Ulster this evening.
RTÉ – NPHET Level 5 proposal
peaking on Today with Claire Byrne (RTÉ Radio One) about the NPHET proposal to Government to introduce Level 5 restrictions.
Hospital Capacity, Golfgate & Leaving Cert Grade Errors
I spoke on RTÉ Radio’s ‘Late Debate’ programme about the urgent need to address hospital capacity, the Leaving Certificate grade errors and the public reaction to Golfgate.
Final COVID-19 Committee meeting
On Newstalk this evening speaking about the final session of the COVID-19 Committee.
COVID-19 and mental health
As Ireland continues to combat COVID-19, we must not lose sight of the impact it is having on mental health.
PCR Testing
I asked the HSE about the risk of false positives and false negatives in PCR testing. Dr. Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer with the HSE, said “One of the problems with this test is that it can pick up a residual RNA weeks after active infection and after a person is no longer infectious.”
Hospital Capacity in Mid West Region
Four months on from former Health Minister, Simon Harris, T.D., admitting that the Mid West has been failed for decades in terms of bed numbers, I sought an update from the HSE on hospital capacity in the region.
Recording COVID cases and deaths in Ireland
At today’s COVID-19 Committee meeting, I questioned Dr. John Cuddihy of the Health Protection Surveillance Centre about the current system of recording COVID cases and deaths in Ireland.
COVID Committee – community transmission
Concluding comments from today’s meeting of the Dáil COVID-19 Committee, featuring Prof. Sam McConkey, Dr. Johan Giesecke, Dr. Tomás Ryan and Prof. Kirsten Schaffer discussing strategic options for using the Government Plan to eliminate community transmission of COVID-19 in Ireland.
GAA, IRFU and FAI on the impact of COVID
At today’s COVID Committee, I asked the GAA, IRFU and FAI about the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on their organisations and the wider community.
Testing at meat processing plants
I spoke on RTÉ’s Today with Claire Byrne about the news that Covid testing at meat processing plants has been suspended temporarily by the HSE so it can meet a “significant rise in demand” for testing in the community.
Pubs reopen & increasing hospital capacity
We must increase healthcare capacity instead of shutting down aviation, sporting and cultural events, pubs etc, to deal with the threat posed by COVID-19.
NEWSTALK – Michael McNamara on COVID-19
We need to protect the vulnerable from COVID-19 but also allow society to function.
Regression and Learning Loss During School Closure
I asked teachers’ and SNAs’ representatives whether the time away from schools has had a detrimental effect on pupils. This afternoon, I am chairing two further sessions of the COVID Committee and will be putting questions to Education Minister Norma Foley, Inclusion Ireland, National Parents Council Primary and National Parents Council Post Primary.
Clare FM – Irish economy & Shannon Airport
I spoke on Clare FM this morning about the impact of ongoing restrictions on society and the wider economy, and I also proposed that Government should consider seeking an equity share in Aer Lingus (as Germany has done in Lufthansa) in return for a guarantee of regional connectivity.
Michael McNamara discussing Meat Plants on RTÉ
I spoke to Claire Byrne on RTÉ today about the latest revelations on how meat plants treat their workers, which will come as no surprise to farmers given the treatment they receive.
Proportionate response to pubs is essential
A proportionate response to all risks is essential. No evidence to support the singling out of pubs over, for example, meat plants in the State’s response.
RTÉ Primetime discussion on another lockdown
Tonight on RTÉ Primetime, I pointed out that the numbers in hospital with COVID-19 are thankfully, nowhere near those that prompted the lockdown in March.
HSE procurement and storage of PPE
The Finsa site in Scariff, Co. Clare, is being utilised by the HSE as a PPE storage facilty, one of two such large-scale storage facilities in the country. I spoke about this on Clare FM and also questioned the HSE’s Paul Reid on the procurement and storage of PPE during yesterday’s COVID-19 Committee meeting.
Questioning Health Minister about another lockdown
I questioned Health Minister Stephen Donnelly about the medical basis for threatening another lockdown and whether he foresees its consequences.
Acting Chief Medical Officer at COVID-19 Committee
At the COVID-19 Committee today, I questioned Dr. Ronan Glynn (Acting Chief Medical Officer) on meat plant and restaurant inspections, the impact of Covid-19 on mental health and the implications of an economic slowdown on our health service.
Lower hospital admissions and expanded role for Tier 2 Hospitals
I questioned the HSE today on the reasons for the low number of confirmed COVID cases in hospitals despite rising cases nationally. I also asked the HSE to outline its plans to ease overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick by expanding services at Tier 2 Hospitals such as Ennis, St Johns and Nenagh.
New COVID-19 Measures
I spoke to Sarah McInerney on RTÉ today about the newly introduced COVID-19 measures. I will be requesting Minister for Health and Acting Chief Medical Officer to appear before the COVID Committee next week to further explain the new measures.
Meat plants and ongoing COVID restrictions
I spoke to Brian Dobson on Morning Ireland about today’s COVID-19 Committee meetings in relation to the meat industry and ongoing impact of COVID-19 restrictions on communities across Ireland.
Tackling COVID-19
Some interesting points made, and serious questions raised about the direction being taken in dealing with the virus at the COVID-19 Committee today.
Meat Industry Ireland and HSA at COVID Committee
Meat Industry Ireland and the Health and Safety Authority appeared before the COVID-19 Committee today.
4-day turnaround for Covid-19 tests is insufficient
The COVID-19 Committee’s recommendation for a 24-hour turnaround for Covid-19 tests is nowhere near being meet by the HSE. Ireland cannot control the spread of this virus if our system of testing is insufficient.
Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence
The current Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence. I discussed the matter with Pat Flynn on Clare FM.
Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence
The current Government’s COVID-19 strategy lacks coherence. I discussed the matter with Pat Flynn on Clare FM.
Michael McNamara on RTÉ Drivetime re: Nursing Homes Report
The Special Committee on Covid-19 Response, of which I am Chair, is calling for immediate action and reform of the nursing home sector, to protect the older population, in the event of a second wave of the virus, in an interim report published today. I spoke about the report on RTÉ Drivetime this evening.
Shannon Airport & Shannon Heritage (CLARE FM)
Reacting on Clare FM to yesterday’s COVID Committee session in relation to Shannon Airport and Shannon Heritage.
Seasonal hospitality sector
This government like the previous government simply doesn’t understand how the economy works in rural Ireland and how the seasonal hospitality sector works.
Aer Lingus at Shannon
In the Dáil COVID Committee today, I questioned Neil McGowan of SIPTU and Capt Evan Cullen, Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association president, about Aer Lingus’ decision to abandon Shannon in recent months.
Healthcare staffing during COVID-19 crisis
During today’s meeting of the Special Committee on Covid-19 Response, I questioned HSE officials on healthcare staffing levels during the COVID-19 crisis, citing concerns raised on social media by an Irish trainee GP.
Expansion of services at Ennis and Nenagh Hospitals
I received confirmation from the HSE today that it is considering proposals to expand the level of services delivered from Tier 2 hospitals such as Ennis and Nenagh during the coming months.
National Vaccination Programme
Based on evidence provided by the HSE and IMO at today’s COVID Committee, I am concerned that Ireland’s Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme will be not be expansive enough to sufficientely reduce overcrowding at our hospitals in light of any increase in COVID cases this winter.
Resumption of cancer screening services
Evidence given by the Irish Medical Organisation and Irish Cancer Society in the Dáil COVID Committee today suggests Ireland is falling behind other European countries regarding the resumption of cancer screenings services.
Impact of COVID on people with disabilities
In this morning’s Dáil COVID Committee hearing, which I chaired, Inclusion Ireland CEO Enda Egan said families are at the absolute edge of their ability to cope during the pandemic. He said there is another pandemic about to hit us and that is family carer burn out.
Read MoreMeat Industry Practices During COVID-19 Restrictions
The Dáil Covid Committee, of which I am Chair, this week shone a light on meat industry practices during the COVID-19 restrictions.
Return to education
The Secretary General of the Department of Education, Seán Ó Foghlú has told the Covid-19 Oireachtas Committee that reopening schools as fully, normally and as safely as possible is the Department’s number one priority. The Department hopes to have guidance issued to schools by the end of the month.
Personal and business loan approvals
During the Dáil COVID-19 Committee meeting today, I questioned the Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland on banking practices around personal and business loan approvals.
Shannon Heritage extension of opening
Failte Ireland today confirmed the “summer” tourist season will be extended. Shannon Heritage needs to review its opening schedule urgently also in view of anticipated supports. Craggaunowen, Knappogue Castle & Walled Garden and Dungaire Castle need to open and all Shannon Heritage attractions in the Midwest, including Bunratty Castle & Folk Park and King John’s Castle need to remain open beyond the end of August.
Impact of COVID-19 on SME sector
In this morning’s meeting of the Oireachtas Special Committee on Covid-19 Response, I asked members of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Recovery Ireland about the impact of COVID-19 on the SME sector.
Return to school in late August
Despite schools having opened across much of Europe, there remains more doubt than I would like about what will happen in Ireland in September.
Summer Provision
The Clare Crusaders therapy-based clinic in Barefield provides services, without any Government funding, to 450 children with special needs.
Read MoreOperating safely through COVID-19
Commenting during this morning’s COVID-19 Dáil Committee session, which I chaired, Prof Paddy Mallon (Infection Disease Physician at St Vincent’s, Professor of Microbial Diseases at UCD) said, “We got away by the skin of our teeth.” He said, “There needs to be a recognition moving forward that we can’t operate safely with current staffing levels in the health services.”
Childcare provision in Ireland
It is disappointing that not all insurance companies have given refunds to crèches / childcare providers which have been closed since March.
Read MoreIntreo Centres
During today’s COVID-19 Committee meeting, I questioned John McKeon, Secretary General for the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, on whether the Department has plans to centralise existing Intreo Centre back office services throughout the Midwest to Limerick.
Recession and Bank Lending
In the Dáil today I questioned Professor Stephen Kinsella (Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Limerick) and Professor Alan Barrett (Chief Executive Officer of the ESRI) about the severity of the recession that is anticipated and what impact it will have on bank lending practices.
WHO special envoy Dr David Nabarro
At today’s meeting of the Oireachtas special committee on Covid-19, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) special envoy Dr David Nabarro provided pertinent advice on how we might continue to open society, including healthcare, workplaces and schools.
COVID-19 and sustained community transmission
During today’s COVID-19 Committee meeting, Dr. Cillian De Gascun and Professor Philip Nolan, both members of NPHET, both accepted there are areas or regions of the State where there is not believed to be, nor known to be, sustained human transmission of COVID-19.
Read MorePatient waiting lists could hit 1 million
Dr. Anthony O’Connor of the Irish Medical Organisation told me during today’s Dáil COVID-19 Committee meeting that up to 1 million people in Ireland could be on waiting lists for medical procedures by this winter.
Irish tourism sector in limbo with no reopening plan in place
The Irish tourism sector is being left in a worse situation than in other European states for no apparent reason.
The role of Tier 2 hospitals post COVID
Alan Irvine and Martin Varley of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) outlined today that Tier 2 hospitals have a vital and enlarged role to play in providing medical care post-COVID.
Cancer screening delays due to capacity issues
Dr. Susan Clyne, CEO of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), says the delay in resuming cancer screenings in Ireland is due to a lack of capacity rather than any risk to frontline staff or patients arising.
Michael McNamara raising cost of COVID-19 swab tests
The cost of conducting COVID-19 tests in Ireland is €200 per person. This requires explanation given a virus swab test typically costs in the region of €25 per person.
Michael McNamara addressing HIQA, HSE and Nursing Homes Ireland
At the COVID-19 Dáil Committee sessions, I proposed to HIQA, HSE and Nursing Homes Ireland that there should be a requirement for a clinical lead to be appointed in respect of every nursing home in Ireland. Such a move would ensure a coordinated medical approach to the health of all residents in relevant facilities.
Michael McNamara on RTE The Week In Politics
On RTÉ’s ‘The Week In Politics’ programme, I called for Health Minister Simon Harris to consult with the Dáil on any future regulations introducing or maintaining COVID restrictions.
Michael McNamara on Tonight Show with Ivan Yates
I joined Ivan Yates on The Tonight Show to discuss the inaugural sitting of the Dáil COVID-19 Committee, of which I am Chair.
Community transmission of COVID-19 has been “effectively extinguished”
In response to my question at the Special Dáil COVID-19 Committee today, the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health Dr. Tony Holohan said community transmission of COVID-19 has been “effectively extinguished”.
Covid Committee is established
On RTE’s Morning Ireland today, I outlined how as Chair of the Special Committee on COVID19 Response will work to ensure the public’s concerns about the past, present and future handling of Ireland’s COVID-19 response are heard and responded to by Government and health officials.
Chair of Dáil Éireann COVID-19 Committee
As Chair of the Special Committee on COVID19 Response, I spoke to Oireachtas TV about the work of the committee in the coming weeks. The Chief Medical Officer, Tony Holohan, and Head of the HSE, Paul Reid will appear before the Committee next week.